I apologize for taking so long to write another blog, but summer has been such a busy time. Not only are we squeezing in social gatherings, but we’re also swamped with the expenses that come with them. Still, I managed to create a couple of cooking videos for Nanny’s Italian Kitchen. I hope you had a chance to watch them.

The summer kicked off with our usual Fourth of July gathering with friends (all the Paterras) and family. The kids had a blast! If you look closely, you’ll see my grandsons dyed their hair red and blue to match the flag. By the end of the summer, one had green hair, and the other had yellow. They’re growing up so fast—Sonny is turning 13 in a couple of weeks, and I can hardly believe it. Nico just turned 10, and Luke will be 5 soon. And little Isabella, who is such a sweet angel, is seven months old (she’s sitting in Jamie’s lap in the picture).

Great shot of the fireworks at the dock, with the kids cheering them on.

We also had a Taranto family reunion at Big T’s house in southern New Jersey. My ex-husband’s father was named Anthony, and, like good Italian sons, both of his boys named their sons after him. To tell them apart, we call one Big T (Paulie’s son) and the other Little T (Joey’s son). Big T has a summer home on the shore and invited anyone who wanted to come and stay. Nicki, Mauro, Sonny, and Nico went, but we couldn’t make it because Isabella had just had her lip surgery, and it was hard to manage all the post-op care. Everyone had a great time, and Big T has already set a date for next summer’s reunion. Hopefully, we’ll all be able to go next year.

Nicki and her family took a separate vacation this year for the first time. I wasn’t thrilled about it, but they had a great time in Mexico. Meanwhile, funds were a bit tight for the rest of us, so we went to a local spot in the Catskills. We had a fantastic time, especially Luke. There were activities going on all day and night—rides, monster trucks, an army tank ride, trains, shuttles, and more. Each night at 7:00 pm, they’d post signs on the lawn for which rides were available. Fridays were the best because all the rides were open, plus there was a BBQ, live band, puppet show, ice cream stands, and a huge fireworks display. Luke had a blast and even put on a little dance show in front of the life-sized dog puppets. It was hilarious!

Now that summer and vacations are over, we’re all feeling a bit sad as we head back to reality. The kids have all started a new school year, except for Isabella, of course. It feels like spring was just yesterday, and now we’re already heading into fall. Luke even started kindergarten! Time flies—before we know it, Halloween will be here.

I’m thinking about what video or recipe to make next for Nanny’s Italian Kitchen. Hopefully, I’ll have more time to write blogs. Nanny’s Italian Kitchen is getting more attention—my meatball video has nearly 15,000 views! Thanks to all my supporters, and don’t forget to spread the word.

Until next time…