Thanksgiving Day is Coming – Election Day is Over, Whew!

Hi Everyone,

It’s the day after Election Day, and all I can say is, “Thank God it’s over.” I’ve never seen such terrible things said on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and everywhere else—between friends and even family—about the candidates. People are unfriending each other over political beliefs. Wow! As the kids say these days, “That’s rad.” This has been the worst election I’ve ever witnessed, and I’ve lived through quite a few. From celebrities vowing to leave the country to people accusing each other of being racists, sexists, or slapping on whatever label they could think of—even Californians wanting to secede and become their own country. OMG! Get a grip, people. It’s ridiculous. Aren’t we all supposed to be working for one common cause—making America a better place for our children and grandchildren?

That’s why I’m done talking about all this nonsense and want to focus on Thanksgiving. Let’s be grateful for everything we have here in the USA instead of tearing it down. I, for one, am thankful for my beautiful family—my children, grandchildren, loved ones, sisters, nieces, nephews, and wonderful friends. Life is too short not to thank God every day for the blessings we have: health, happiness, family, and love! Don’t waste time on negativity.

In the next few days, I’ll be posting a video on how to make stuffing—Italian style. Visit Nanny’s Italian Kitchen on YouTube and subscribe so you’ll get automatic updates whenever I post a new video. I hope you enjoy it, and please let me know how it turns out!

Nanny’s Italian Kitchen on YouTube

My hope is that each and every one of you has a wonderful Thanksgiving. Celebrate with your loved ones—and try not to eat too much. Gobble, Gobble!